
package sindi

Sindi IoC Container APIs.

Module is used as the basic building block to design loosely coupled and reconfigurable librairies with Sindi.

Modules are composable and can be consumed in Context and Component.

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type Bindings = Seq[Binding[Any]]

    A sequence of bindings.

    A sequence of bindings.

    Definition Classes
  2. trait Component extends Composable

    A component is a set of features based on module's services.

  3. class ComponentContext extends Composable

    A component context is an abstract class that ease the composition of components into context/module.

  4. trait ComponentWith [C <: Context] extends Composable

    A base trait for integrating components with global contexts.

  5. trait Composable extends AnyRef

    A marker trait for type importing modules.

  6. trait Context extends Context with Wirable with DSL with Composable

    A context is a collection of bindings and modules, it contains operations to wire objects together.

  7. trait Module extends Context with Childable

    A module is a collection of services which are configured using bindings.

  8. class ModuleManifest [M <: Module] extends AnyRef

    A module manifest store safely a module type reference.

  9. class ModuleT [T] extends Module

    A class to declare type parameterized module that can be consumed safely.

  10. type Modules = Seq[Module]

    A sequence of Module.

    A sequence of Module.

    Definition Classes
  11. type Processors [T] = Seq[Processor[T]]

    A sequence of Processor.

    A sequence of Processor.

    Definition Classes
  12. class Provider [T] extends Provider[T]

    An injection provider with signature configured using parameterized type.

Value Members

  1. object Bindings extends AnyRef

    Bindings companion.

  2. object Modules extends AnyRef

    A companion object for Module list construction.

  3. implicit def any2qualifiers (q: Any): Qualifiers

    Implicit conversion to construct qualifiers from any reference.

    Implicit conversion to construct qualifiers from any reference.

    Definition Classes
  4. package binder

  5. package context

  6. package exception

  7. package injector

  8. def module (_bindings: Bindings)(implicit context: Context): Module { val ctx: sindi.Context }

    Return a new module with given bindings (implicit context is defined as new module's parent).

    Return a new module with given bindings (implicit context is defined as new module's parent).

    Definition Classes
  9. package processor

  10. package provider

  11. def qualifier [T] (implicit arg0: Manifest[T]): Manifest[T]

    Return a qualifier for the given type.

    Return a qualifier for the given type.

    Definition Classes